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Typing on a laptop

"Two-Dos" for Financial Health

Posted by GreenPath Financial Wellness on September 30, 2022

October is Financial Planning Month! How exactly do you get your finances where you want them? Everyone’s situations and goals are a little bit different, but these two financial health to-dos are a great place to start.

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Coping With Inflation?  Be Budget Aware.
Coping With Inflation? Be Budget Aware.

Posted by GreenPath Financial Wellness on July 29, 2022

Inflation continues to put pressure on household budgets. From groceries to gas, record - breaking inflation means the purchasing power of your money is decreasing each month. Our partner GreenPath Financial Wellness offers you the following steps to keep “budget aware” to help navigate this period of high inflation, however long it lasts

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5 Resources to Build Financial Literacy
5 Resources to Build Financial Literacy

Posted by GreenPath Financial Wellness on April 4, 2022

According to most definitions, the term financial literacy refers to understanding how to effectively manage household finances, handle debt, create a budget, and build savings.

Working toward financial literacy is the foundation of your relationship with money and can set you up for a lifetime of financial health and wellness.

As a trusted national nonprofit, GreenPath can be part of your lifelong journey to financial literacy, especially in the areas of managing personal finances, budgeting, saving, and managing debt.

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5 Ways to Make Money Resolutions That Stick
5 Ways to Make Money Resolutions That Stick

Posted by GreenPath Financial Wellness on January 3, 2022

The New Year is a time for new beginnings. Are you ready to make money resolutions that stick?

Eliminating debt, learning new spending habits, or building savings are choices that can change your life. They can affect your entire well-being from stress levels, to physical and mental health.

When considered as one big New Year’s goal, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. To make it possible in the year ahead, here are five tips to commit to your financial health.

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Your Complete Year-End Financial Checklist
Your Complete Year-End Financial Checklist

Posted by Melissa Pashak, Marketing Specialist on December 8, 2021

As 2021 draws to a close and we prepare to usher in 2022, take a moment to go through this year-end financial checklist for ensuring your finances are in order before the start of the New Year.

1. Review your budget

Is your monthly budget still working well for you? Are you stretching some spending categories or finishing each month in the red? Take some time to review your budget and make any necessary changes.

2. Top off your retirement plan

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6 Steps to Crushing Debt
6 Steps to Crushing Debt

Posted by Melissa Pashak, Marketing Specialist on October 13, 2021

October is National Financial Planning Month, and it's the perfect time to review your finances and take action for better financial success.

It’s time to kiss that debt goodbye! Getting rid of high debt will take hard work, willpower and the determination to see it through until the end, but it is doable. Here, we’ve outlined six steps to help you start crushing debt today. 

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Get Smart About Credit Card Warning Signs
Get Smart About Credit Card Warning Signs

Posted by GreenPath Financial Wellness on October 4, 2021

This month’s Get Smart About Credit Day gives us a great opportunity to get on the right foot with credit.

If keeping up with credit card balances has become a challenge, it’s smart to assess your overall financial picture and your spending habits.

Remember: taking on credit card debt is borrowing money you haven’t earned yet. It is smart to keep the focus on this fundamental truth.

To get smart about credit cards, be aware of the common warning signs that might indicate issues with credit card usage:

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9 Ways to Freshen Up Your Finances
9 Ways to Freshen Up Your Finances

Posted by BALANCE on April 26, 2021

When it comes to spring cleaning, most people target their homes. And while it’s always a good idea to reduce clutter and clean up, don’t forget to refresh your finances as well. That’s right, it’s time to scrub away bad financial habits and dust off your savings goals.

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Get Ready for a Credit Card Spring Cleaning
Get Ready for a Credit Card Spring Cleaning

Posted by GreenPath Financial Wellness on April 2, 2021

Spring is in the air, and what better way to celebrate than with a credit card spring cleaning!

(Really – we’re serious.)

Just like a thorough spring cleaning improves your home and gets everything in tip-top shape, a credit card spring cleaning will make a difference in your financial situation.

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